Friends of the Library Council Report: September 23, 2022

Hello Friends,
Fall is such an exciting time of year to be involved with the Friends of the Library! The Annual Author’s Luncheon is October 11, 2022, at noon at the Blue Ribbon Circle. We will enjoy a sack lunch as our featured speaker, David Hazelwood, takes you down roads he has traveled in his roles as consultant, farmer, minister, restauranteur, and innkeeper.
David Hazelwood confesses that at the core of these endeavors is his desire to help things grow – first himself, then plants, animals, people, and organizations. His degrees in animal science, theology, and business administration came together to help things grow as innkeeper at Parish Patch Farm & Inn in Normandy, Tennessee. Hazelwood has written a variety of books including Animals Who Own Us, Lists for Ainsley, Cooking Southern – Recipes and Their History, and Monday Morning Rose. David Hazelwood’s latest book, My Short Life as a Stepdad, will be released on October 11, the day of the Annual Author’s Luncheon! Join us and be one of the first to get a signed copy of Hazelwood’s newest book!
Table Sponsorships as well as individual tickets are still available. The Friends of the Library make monetary donations to our library to support the many ongoing efforts it takes to be a state-of-the-art facility. The Friends of the Library plan to help the library in obtaining a sign for the front of the library building which can be changed to keep the community informed about up coming events and activities. Also, the Friends of the Library have a vision of adding a patio space to the existing library building. This would add reading space with an outdoor atmosphere. There are some other activities the Friends of the Library assist with in the fall such providing candy for trunk or treat and the semi-annual book sale. We would love to have you join the Friends of the Library as we embark on the future of our library.
October is membership month and the Annual Author’s Luncheon is the perfect opportunity to become a member! Join us for lunch on October 11 at noon to hear David Hazelwood share his life experiences and their influence on his writing.