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Meeting Room Policy

The use of the library meeting rooms is an extension of Library Services. The room should be available to the community and reflect the educational, cultural, and recreational role the Library plays. Public meeting room use does not constitute library endorsement of the beliefs or ideas expressed by organizations or individuals using the space.

The following provisions apply to the use of the Library Boardroom and the Library Community Room:

  • All gatherings must be open to the public and news media.
  • Groups using the meeting rooms may not charge admission, charge fees for services rendered, solicit donations, collect dues or membership fees. Sales activities may not be carried on in any of the rooms or on library property, with the exception of activities of Shelbyville-Bedford County Public Library or Shelbyville-Bedford County Public Library Foundation or Shelbyville City, Bedford County, Tennessee, or U.S. governments.
  • The scheduling of Library programs and activities will take priority over the scheduling of meetings for outside organizations and groups.
  • All meetings must be pre-arranged so that room usages can be scheduled. The Library reserves the right not to schedule the room for a group, not to approve a certain date for a group, to cancel a previously scheduled meeting by a group, or to stop a meeting once it is in progress.
  • There is no charge for use of the meeting rooms; however, a deposit of $75.00, refundable if the room is left in good condition, is required. A group representative must sign an agreement to uphold this policy when placing the deposit. No deposit is required for local, state, and federal government agencies.
  • If the event is scheduled to end outside regular Library hours the key should be returned in the library book return.
  • If the meeting or activity needs to be canceled, groups should contact the library at their earliest convenience. Repeated no-shows or cancellations within three (3) months of booked dates also may result in loss of meeting room privileges.
  • No smoking or alcoholic beverages are allowed.
  • The Library’s Patron Code of Conduct also applies to use of the meeting room. Anyone violating these provisions may be asked to leave and/or be denied future use of the meeting rooms.
  • No property belonging to the group may be stored at the library.
  • The rooms will be left with chairs and tables secured.


Approved 2-24-2015

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